I worked in a group along side Sabrina Yaaqub and Isabella
Francis. In our group we didn't split the roles up as much. We came together an collectively decided what we would do as a short dramatic skit. In terms of characters all of us had a role. We were playing three sisters whose father had just died and had come together to read the will. We aske Roshin, a member of our class to help us record the scene.
We were told to use settings on school grounds, so we choose the college café, which is a suitable place for three ladies to come together to discuss. The space is open and vast to allow room for expression. The round tables make it look more communal.
One of the sisters is Muslim even though they were all Christian at one point (which was established in the performance) she was fully clothed in Muslim attire. Another on of the sisters was to be depicted as spoilt. We used a portable tablet device as a prop for her persona. And the eldest sister was getting married, she wore a diamond ring on her finger.
Another prop used was the envelope in the centre of the table. That which had the fate of the girls inheritance with in it.
Even though the three girls father had just died we used high key lighting to show case the irony. They were there to see what they could gain from their fathers death they were not really upset. Also we used it to display comedy because at the end of the scene all their fighting was for not because at the end of the day, they got nothing.
In the beginning of the scene all the girls are soft spoken because they are talking about their fathers death. The scene opens with a prayer, giving off the impression of a communal religious family. But one of the sister is dressed in Muslim attire, so you can see the dysfunction. The way the girls are sitting, the oldest and more mature sister is seated upright, hands on the table showing her authority and dominance over the other two. The second sister is seated in the middle, showing that she is the middle child, out of place and different to the other two. And the youngest sister is slouched and sort of facing away showing that she couldn't care less about her two sisters and just came to get her inheritance.
As the skit progressed, voices are raised, you can sense the tension between the sisters, but you can still see that the older sister dominates because she is able to calm them down.
I felt that we could have done more with our props and costumes to make a better and shorter skit, less dialogue could have been used and more close ups to establish facial expressions and the individual moods of the three girls. Over all I was pleased with the end result. We utilised the props we had available very well and we maximized our performance to create a clearer story.
The narrative was clear, and I think the framing and camera angles helped make it better. It was clear that all their lives they didn't get along, they resent each other and that was clear in the dialogue.
Thorough account of the scenario you worked on, with much good detail about the use of costume and miss-en-scene. You also evaluate the overall result, and note there was too much dialogue. For higher grade, you could have said more about your individual contribution, but this was good work. Interim: Merit.